Heretic Annie
4 min readJul 19, 2021


Look to God’s Playbook to make Life’s Touchdowns

LISTEN to counsel AND RECEIVE instruction SO THAT YOU MAY BE WISE later in life.

I’m a tennis girl, so I never used to understand why sports teams would meeting around a whiteboard before games until someone told me how complex plays can be. I didn’t realize that there’s entire anatomy to a touchdown. There’s even science applied to the game of golf.

The more I learn about sports, the more fascinated I am about their correlations to living a remarkable life.

When it comes to my Christian life specifically, most of my life, I’ve floated through it on hope, prayers, and occasional revelations. The past few years, I’ve become serious about steps I make moving forward. It’s affecting the products I publish. I consider what I’m writing them for and what purpose they will serve in the end. Sounds dramatic, but as I’m thinking about the anatomy of a touchdown and what it takes to win a game, it’s not passive. Touchdowns…



Heretic Annie

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