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Sex in Christian Marriage

Heretic Annie
3 min readMay 17, 2021


I write about the 4 types of love, connection, and relationships for people who love God. That includes writing about marriage sometimes, and sexual issues are bound to come up in my writing. At first, I embraced it, but I quickly found that many people cringe when sexual topics and God are under the same author. I struggled with combining both subjects for a long time. Recently, I have given up the fight, and here’s why.

I started learning about the 4 types of people when my ex-husband and I, (let’s call him Brad), went to spend an evening in a tiny living room in Ventura California, with other couples who were also struggling in their marriages. What no one knew was just how much I was starting to secretly loathe my life with Brad. That night I learned that Brad’s type gets critical under stress, and when stressed, no one can live up to their expectations- including the ones they love most. I was opposite Brad’s type and learned I thrived on verbal approval, something Brad couldn’t give me when he was under stress. And surprisingly, the way he handled stress had shown up…



Heretic Annie

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